
Nomicon game space for Cryptotech projects

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The microNomicon is a minimal set of rules designed to kickstart a game of Nomicon. The first player of a new game may unilaterally declare that rules of the game are defined by microNomicon. Any game derived from microNomicon is a Nomicon by definition.

Initial Rules

1. The goal of the game is to create a learning organization
2. All players must unanimously agree to all rule changes
3. Proposals may add, amend or repeal a rule
4. All rules should be logically self-consistent 

Explanation of rules

Rule 1: The initial goal of the game is to create a learning organization, meaning the goal is to enable the players to make high quality choices and decisions. In other words, the goal of the game is to create collaborative intelligence. This rule should likely be refined to integrate the mission of the organization playing the game, as we specified above.

Rule 2: The voting rule initially specifies unanimity to pass any proposal. Most games amend this early on to specify some sort of majority vote in order to avoid stalemates, but the initial rule errs on the side of caution so that the foundations can be laid out carefully.

Rule 3: Describes the initial set of “moves” that can be made in the game: introducing a new rule, changing an existing rule, or removing an existing rule respectively. The game will usually evolve more sophisticated rules such as giving certain classes of players who can veto vote under some conditions, creating a category of immutable rules that cannot be amended (unless they are removed from that category), and introducing new types of acts such as resolutions, goals, standards, as guidelines.

Rule 4: The idea behind the logical consistency constraint is to motivate the players to keep the rule set sane. Whenever an inconsistency is introduced (accidentally or by design), the players will be motivated to the resolve the inconsistency by amendment or repeal.